Mun Joon Teo
Software engineering student and musician
Hello! I am a final (4th) year Software Engineering student at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. I have a passion for web development and classical music. In my spare time, I play the bassoon for the UNSW Wind Symphony and occasionally the piano too.
My Projects
Japanese Vocabulary List Builder
A web app to look up Japanese words and add them to a word list, which can then be downloaded as a text file. The text file can be imported into Anki, a Spaced Repetition System (SRS). Powered by the Jisho API and written in vanilla React.
We’re Not Really Strangers Web
A web app to play the card game We’re Not Really Strangers on your browser. Written using vanilla React.
Interactive Chess Game
A web app for two players to play chess with each other. Developed using vanilla Javascript and the p5 Javascript library. In the future, I will also add an AI for single-player games.
Eggodoro Pomodoro Timer
A Pomodoro timer with a twist! As you complete tasks, collect various eggs to show off how productive you have been. Made during Hackiethon 2021.